ഉഫോ LED ഗ്രോ Lights

Artificial light(LED Grow Lights) can be used for plant growth in three different ways:
1. To provide all the light a plant needs to grow
2. To supplement sunlight, especially in winter months when daylight hours are short.
3.To increase the length of the "day" in order to trigger specific growth and flowering.

Here are several reasons why you may choose to grow your leafy greens under led lights.
1- you may not have a readily accessible sunny window ledge or you may not have enough of them. I have a kitchen window
ledge that gets good sun in summer but very little in winter.
2- using our desk light series you can use the lights to grow your sprouts as well as light the work area of the desk(the shade
rotates to adjust the spread of light). A great break from work to look up and see your salad growing in front of you, or on
your kitchen bench shedding extra light on your chopping board..
3-you may have a large family or like me like lots of salad so you can easily turn a bookshelf into your own personal salad farm.
4- as mentioned before growing sprouts inside is very convenient and free from animal and insect competition, growing under
lights gives you flexibility as to where you do it with limited space, and growth rates are not affected by season, making
having an indoor garden that much easier.
5- using the latest low wattage, high intensity LED grow lights, gives you even more options as it is now not only much
cheaper to run, 7W vs 15W-28W, 90W vs 400W-600W(salad greens), they can also be used to grow vegetables to
flower & fruit in very short periods of time. eg Tomatoes, Strawberries etc.


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